Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 8, 2019

How I maintain my Sweater gamefowl

I have a simple way on how I maintain my sweater bloodline so that I can preserve it in long time. I called my way of maintaining gamefowl bloodline “in and in”. In this method of maintaining bloodline I have my sweater brood cock and I want to maintain and preserve this bloodline what I did is first I selected two brood hens of different bloodline a lemon and Gilmore hatch hen. Then I breed my sweater bloodline to lemon hen (single mating). I mark the offspring of sweater lemon crosses so that I can recognize and identify then easily and record it in my breeding notes. Their offspring is composed of a 50% sweater and 50% lemon. Then I also cross-breed the sweater brood cock to Gilmore hatch hen (single mate). I also make a different mark to their offspring so that I can recognize them easily. Their offspring is composed of a 50% sweater and 50% Gilmore hatch. Finally when their offspring become matured and ready to breed, I choose the best offspring (stag) from 50% sweater and 50% lemon and I also choose the best offspring (pullets) from 50% sweater and 50% Gilmore hate and breed them. The result is that their offspring become more or less a 100% sweater and it really looks like the original sweater brood cock in terms of looks and characteristics. That is my way on how I maintain my sweater gamefowl bloodline.
My own method of breeding fighting cocks
The breeding of fighting cocks is very challenging because you need more time doing trial and error, money and effort. In order to become a fighting cocks or game fowl breeder it is important that you have a knowledge on genetics in order for you to produce the best fighting cocks that can compete in big time derbies. 
Breeding concepts like inbreeding, cross-breeding, line- breeding and others are also need to be understand by the fighting cocks or game fowl breeding. The concept of in-breeding is that you are going to breed brothers and sisters, the purpose of this type of breeding is to preserve the bloodline. Cross-breeding is the type of breeding were game fowl bloodline is cross-breed to other bloodline like the cross breeding of lemon to sweater. This type of breeding is used to produce a battle crosses. Another type of breeding is the line breeding was offspring is breed back to his mother or her father. The purpose of this is to retain the good qualities of a parent.

My own method of breeding in order to produce a breeding material is I choose a brood cock for example dink fair sweater, then choose two brood hens example lemon and the other one is roundhead. In order to produce a brood stag to be use as breeding material I breed my sweater brrod cock to a lemon brood hen to produce a 50% sweater and 50% lemon offspring and called it as output A. Then I cross breed my sweater brood cock to my roundhead brood hen to produce a 50% sweater and 50% roundhead offspring and called it as output B. Then finally I cross-breed output A to output B, then the offspring that produced by cross-breeding output A and output B is the one I use as my breeding material. It is likely the same characteristics with my original sweater brood cock. Now I can produce battle crosses out of the output from cross-breeding output A and output B.